Sunday, February 17, 2013

Cara Mengatur Tipe Objek Menjadi Dynamic di Blender 2.5

Pada postingan kali ini, saya akan menjelaskan cara untuk merubah tipe objek pada Blender 2.5 menjadi dynamic, agar gravitasi berpengaruh pada objek tsb. Karena Blender 2.5 berbeda dengan tampilan Blender versi sebelumnya, cara untuk merubah tipe objeknya juga berbeda.

 Nah,.. biasanya, kalau di Blender versi lama, pengaturan untuk dynamic, rigid body, soft body, dll ada di tab Logic (yang gambarnya pacman) dan dibawahnya ada tombol ‘Add Game Property’ seperti gambar di atas. Untuk Blender 2.5, pengaturan tsb tidak terdapat di Logic Editor, tapi, terdapat di tab Physics (yang gambarnya bola mantul) di Blender Game.
Untuk lebih jelasnya, gini nih ^^

 Pertama, ubah render settingnya dari Blender Render menjadi Blender Game

Kemudian, klik tab Physics (yang gambarnya bola mantul). Lalu, pada Physics Type, atur menjadi Dynamic

Selesai... ;)

Saturday, February 16, 2013

Tutorial Ipad

Hooii....!! ^^

Siapa yang tidak tau Ipad? Tentu kalian tau apa itu Ipad. Ipad bukan lagi barang asing, sudah banyak orang yang menggunakannya. Dan,.. tak sedikit juga orang yang tidak tahu cara menggunakannya, biasanya mereka akan browsing mencari tutorial cara menggunakan Ipad yang membutuhkan waktu yang cukup lama.

Lalu, bagaimana jika kita tidak punya banyak waktu, dan juga, kita tidak punya waktu untuk membaca artikel-artikel(tutorial-tutorial) yang panjang dan memberikan banyak informasi namun sulit untuk diingat?

Nah,.. kita bisa coba ebook ini:

Ebook ini berisi tutorial-tutorial cara menggunakan Ipad, tapi sayangnya ebook ini nggak gratis T.T hiks hiks *lebay*

Berikut adalah isi ebooknya: (silakan diterjemahkan sendiri )
  • iPad - a quick overview & startup guideGetting connected with the world: Safari Internet Browser
  • Emails? Don't worry, iPad has it all
  • YouTube Addict? iPad loves YouTube!
  • If you're on the go, never get lost with iPad's Maps
  • Camera, HD Video recording, Photo Booth
  • iPad Multimedia - photos, videos, music
  • Business functions: Contacts, Notes, Calendar
  • Apple Connectivity: iTunes, App Store, iBooks
  • Customizing your iPad - Your guide through Settings menu
  • Accessibility options
  • iMessage & Facetime
  • iPad tips and tricks 
  • ..and more

Kalau mau beli, berminat(?), tertarik, atau mau baca lebih lanjut, silakan kunjungi websitenya di sini

Killer Cover, Software untuk membuat cover e-book

E-book adalah singkatan dari Electronic Book atau buku elektronik. E-book tidak lain adalah sebuah bentuk buku yang dapat dibuka secara elektronis melalui komputer. E-book ini berupa file dengan format bermacam-macam,
ada yang berupa pdf (portable document format) yang dapat dibuka dengan program Acrobat Reader atau sejenisnya. Ada juga yang dengan bentuk format htm, yang dapat dibuka dengan browsing atau internet eksplorer secara offline. Ada juga yang berbentuk format exe.

Nah,.. kalau sobat ingin berjualan ebook, sebaiknya kita buat cover ebook nya semenarik mungkin, supaya banyak yang beli... ^^ hhe he

Kalau sobat ingin membuat cover ebook, coba software yang satu ini....

#Backsound: Eng Ing Eng!!
 Hmmph... emang mahal sih, tapi hasilnya bagus kok! :D

Ya kan?
Kalau ingin beli atau baca lebih lanjut tentang Killer Cover ini, silahkan kunjungi websitenya di sini

WiseFixer, Software untuk memperbaiki error pada komputer

WiseFixer dapat secara otomatis mendeteksi error di komputer dan memperbaikinya. Dengan memperbaiki semua error di komputer, maka kinerja komputer akan lebih cepat dan tampilannya menjadi maksimum. WiseFixer juga akan melindungi komputer anda dari virus, trojan, dan spyware dengan mengatur sistem keamanan komputer.

Why choose WiseFixer ?
WiseFixer uses a high-performance detection algorithm that will quickly identify missing and invalid references in your Windows registry. With a few easy steps WiseFixer will scan your entire Windows registry for any invalid or obsolete entries and provide a list of the registry errors found. After that you can choose to clean list items with selection or automatically repair them all.

For your convenience and protection, WiseFixer also provides a backup mechanism for any repaired files so that you can easily recover any changes if required.

About WiseFixer
Current Version: 3.2.1
File Size: 4.5M
Operating System: Windows NT/2000/2003/XP/Vista/7
Release Date: January 9, 2011
Fix Errors: Blue Screen, Freeze, Crash, Dll, IE, Drivers, ActiveX, Socket, Http, 404, 403, Outlook.

Windows:XP/Vista/2000/2003/2008 32 and 64 bit System

Kunjungi websitenya dengan mengkilk di sini

A Rich Old Man

A rich old man lived alone in a large house in the country. He didn’t like by everyone because he was selfish and unkind. One day, in the middle of winter, a terrible snowstorm began. There got colder and colder. The old man made a big fire in his bedroom to warm his self.

At night, the old man went to sleep. Suddenly, in the middle of night, he woke up because he was struggled with somebody knocked the door. The old man tried to sleep again, but the person still knocked the door. Then the old man looked from the window and saw an old woman was knocking the door and saying “Please let me in.” But, the old man ignored her and tried to sleep again.

The next morning, he woke up and opened the door. He saw an old woman lying in front of his door. She was died. After that day, in the winter, everynight it was snowing, the old man heard an old woman voice saying “Please let me in” and knocked the door. But, everytime he opened the door, he didn’t see anybody there.

A Dog's Tale

 Last Saturday, Simon, Helen, Matt, Jane, David, and Julia watched a horror film. Helen was too frightened but everyone else enjoyed it. Then David turned off the television and said that the film liked a rubbish because in a horror film, they do stupid things. But, Julia said the film was very well made. Helen asked everyone who want coffee, and she asked Simon to make it for they. Simon wanted to go to the kitchen, but suddenly, David stop him and said “If I were you, I wouldn’t go to the kitchen. Because, there might be a ghost in this house.” Simon looked scary, and Julia asked David “What kind of ghost?” David answered “It’s a dog ghost”.

Then, David told everybody that before that house was built 120 years later, they used to be an old cottage there. In that cottage, lived an old man with his large black dog. Everywhere he went, the dog always followed him. One day, the old man was killed by an accident. A new family moved on to that cottage, and the dog was taken away by old man’s sister. But in the first evening, the dog went back to the cottage and started howling. The owner chased away the dog. Everytime the owner chased away the dog, everynight he came back and howling.

Not long after that, the cottage was destroy by a fire. Ten years later, the house was built. When they building the house, they found a skeleton of large dog in the cellar. And neighbour says, that sometimes they heard a dog howling late at night.

Everybody never know that story before, except David (of course) and Matt. Matt said that he heard the story from his neighbour. Simon didn’t believe that story and he went to the kitchen.

On the way to the kitchen, Simon heard a dog howling. Actually, the voice of dog howling was from his friends and he knew that. When Simon making the coffee, Matt came to make toast bread. Simon said to Matt, that he sometimes heard a dog howling late at night and he thing that voice came from the house. Matt believed him and scared, then Simon left him alone in the kitchen. Suddenly, Jane came to took some biscuits. Matt jumped and shocked, because he though Jane was a ghost. Jane confused with Matt, and she asked “Are you alright, Matt?” Matt said “yeah, I’m alright.” Then, she said again “If I were you, I wouldn’t turn off the light in your bedroom tonight.” And she left him.

At night, Matt went to sleep in his bedroom and he turned off the light. In the middle of night, he heard a dog howling and he was scare. He can’t sleep well untill the next day and he looked very tired with some reason.

This is a story from New Headway, Pre-Intermediate episode 5
to see the video, click here (Youtube)

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Friendly Territory

1. A friend in need is a friend in deed
 Definition: A true friend is a person who will help you in your time of need.

2. Birds of a feather flock together
 Definition: People of similar tastes and character tend to get along with each other.

3. Build bridges
 Definition: Building a good relationship between two individuals or groups of people.

4. Clear the air
 Definition: To get rid of doubts or hard feelings as a result of disagreement.

5. Through thick and thin
 Definition: To support one another in good or bad time

6. A shoulder to cry on
 Definition: A person who is ready to listen to your problems.

7. Kiss and makeup
 Definition: Putting aside differences and start afresh as friends.

8. A match made in heaven
 Definition: Two people who get along perfectly, often instantly. This is usually used within the context of romantic relationship.

Source: Speak! Magazine